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Connecting AG Business Worldwide
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Connectivity Among Partners

Primary producers, processors, manufacturers, and retailers are the four legs that hold up the world's food table. All four need one another everyday to keep the world fed. WorldAG provides the infrastructure for discovery of new relationships between these sectors.

Web Sites and Homepages

Find links to websites of processors, manufacturers, and retailers of food and fiber products from around the world. Larger firms depend on global sourcing strategies. Smaller firms may be nationally or regionally oriented. Whatever your scale, WorldAG connects you to those who have what you need.

Samples of links to come:

Shrilanka Spice Mill
Ridley International

Relevant News and Information

Processors, manufacturers, and buyers from the value-added sector of the agriculture industry will receive the latest news and information related to world trade in commodities. Follow the major debates on GMOs, country of origin labeling, food safety, and global trade policies.


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